Rainbow P-12 College is a dynamic small rural school in the North-West of Victoria.
This is an exciting time to be involved in education at Rainbow. With $11.16 million from the State budget ear-marked for building works we are looking to provide Rainbow with “State of the Art” facilities. We are also in the process of updating our Strategic Plan for the next four years (2021-2024) which will map out a detailed plan for the development and support of an innovative and challenging curriculum. At Rainbow P-12 we take a holistic approach to learning providing programs that cater for the social, emotional and academic growth of each individual student. A number of new initiatives have been put in place to offer a unique brand of true P-12 schooling.
Our mission
To develop in its students the passion and skills to learn, grow and succeed in life; academically, socially and emotionally. The College also sees its mission as providing a safe, evolving and positive environment.
Our vision
Working towards becoming a College that is at the leading edge of innovative, student-orientated and flexible learning of the future and being part of a wider collaborative learning community. We endeavour to embrace and encourage student voice, agency and leadership and value the input and opinions of our students.
Our Character strengths
Optimism, Grit, Social Intelligence, Zest, Curiosity, Self-Control & Gratitude